Welcome to CNR NANOTEC

CNR NANOTEC // Institute Of Nanotechnology

Advanced Devices

Materials Science

Nano Biotechnology

Computional Physics & Biology


Photonics & Optoelectrocnics

The Institute of Nanotechnology CNR-NANOTEC

develops fundamental and applied research in the fields of nanosciences and nanotechnology.

 It gathers scientists and students from the disciplines of physics, chemistry, engineering, materials science, as well as biology and medicine. To promote knowledge and innovation in science and technology, CNR-NANOTEC develops cutting-edge experimental techniques and modeling tools, developed within the Institute in close collaboration with academic, institutional and industrial partners. The Institute was founded in 2015 and now host about 200 people.

News & Events

Apulian Sustainable Innovation Award 2024

Apulian Sustainable Innovation Award 2024

Il Cnr Nanotec - sede secondario di Bari - è stato tra i protagonisti della cerimonia di premiazione degli Apulian Sustainable Innovation Award 2024, il premio promosso da Confindustria Puglia, con...

Giornate di Orientamento

Giornate di Orientamento

Ieri, 7 giugno, ultimo giorno di scuola anche al Cnr Nanotec di Lecce. A chiudere i battenti dell’Anno Scolastico 2023-2024 che, tra percorsi PCTO, giornate di orientamento ed eventi divulgativi, ha...



Workshop 2^ed. - "Emerging and disruptive next-generation technologies: materials, microfluidics, and sensing for biomedicine" Si terrà i prossimi 27 e 28 giugno, presso la sede del Cnr Nanotec di...


Research Center

auto repair services

CNR Nanotec @ Lecce

auto repair services

S.Li.M Lab @ Roma

auto repair services

PlasmaCheM @ Bari

auto repair services

LiCryL @ Rende(CS)