Facilities & LAB @ bari
This lab, also known as Apulian Graphene Lab, is specialized in the production of high quality graphene layers by CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) and Epitaxy on SiC (silicon carbide), and in reliable plasma-chemical methods designed for surface functionalization of graphene (fluorination, hydrogenation, oxidations). Also, the CVD synthesis of 2D-TMD (WS2, MoS2) is investigated.
The lab is equipped with three reactors:
- Little Boy (CVD graphene on large area 10cmx10cm);
- GB-Reactor (epi-growth of graphene by SiC);
- Big Boy (CVD growth of TMD).
Following that, the materials are characterized and investigated at the nanoscale, ultimately to be used for a variety of specific application spanning from photonics, photovoltaics and for sensors.
Responsibles: Giuseppe Valerio Bianco
The CVD lab includes:
- Remote plasma MOCVD system (Spirit 92 reactor) designed for the growth and processing of III-V semiconductors (InP, GaN, InN,…);
- CVD-sputtering assisted system (Goldage) for the growth of oxides, TCOs, ceramics, and metals;
- PECVD system (Silvy reactor) for the growth of Si and SiGe based alloys. All our system have a plasma integrated source as well as in-situ real-time monitoring techniques of spectroscopic ellipsometry, mass spectrometry and optical emission spectroscopy for the kinetic analysis of growth and monitoring of processes and material quality.
Following that, the materials are characterized and investigated at the nanoscale, ultimately to be used for a variety of specific application spanning from photonics, photovoltaics and for sensors.
Responsible: Michelaria Giangregorio
- PLASMA TUBE and PLASMA TROLL with interbal or external moving electrodes;
- FLUOMEM home made PECVD reactor. Low pressure equipment with magnetron sputtering for codeposition processes or multilayer coatings;
- Home made atomic layer deposition (ALD) for both plasma enhanced and thermal ALD for the deposition of metal oxides with atomic precision;
- SPACE-SHIP mounting 3 independent movable 2” magnetron sputtering sources.
- DBD home made reactors equipped with flow chambers and peristaltic pumps for the treatment od liquids, cells, plants and food;
- DBD reactors equipped with pneumatic aerosol generators for nanocomposite coatings deposition;
- Plasma Jet with coaxial cylindrical DBD electrode configuration.
Responsibles: Alberto Perrotta, Eloisa Sardella
- Heracell CO2 incubator for growing eukaryotic cell lines.
- Herasafe biological hood to manipulate eukaryotic cell lines.
- Centrifuges to collect cells/RNA/cDNA.
- Mixing shakers orbital.
- Autoclave.
- Biorad Power supply and electrophoresis sistem to analyze DNA/proteins for studying gene expression.
- Applied Biosystems® Veriti® 96-Well Thermal Cycler to amplify cDNA fragments to study specific gene expression of cells grown on different surfaces (PCR).
Responsibles: Pietro Favia, Roberto Gristina, Eloisa Sardella
- Several scanning probe microscopes with various measurements modes such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), lateral force microscopy (LFM), electrical force microscopy (EFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM);
- Bruker VERTEX 70v FTIR spectrometer;
- Fluorescence (Zeiss Axiomat) and inverted (Nikon Eclipse) optical microscopes;
- ALPHA-STEP D-120, Tencor Instruments for 2D profiling.
Responsibles: Fabio Palumbo, Antonella Milella
The optical characterization lab includes:
- 4 different spectroscopic ellipsometers covering the UV-VIS—NIR spectra range also equipped with temperature programmable cells for the analysis in liquids and controlled gas atmospheres;
- a high resolution Raman spectrometer equipped with 4 lasers and a temperature programmable sample stage;
- various visible and FTIR spectrofotometers;
- several optical microscopes;
- photoluminescence and fluorescence spectroscopies.
Responsibles: Maria Michela Giangregorio
Our expertise is on the (current-voltage) I-V characterization of semiconductors and related materials as well of photovoltaic solar cells. The facilities available in this lab are: Van-der Pauw/Hall instrument to measure the resistivity and the Hall coefficient (MMR) also as a function of temperature; instrument for the spectral responsivity of the photocurrent; high resistance electrometer (Keithley) for sensitive measurements on thin films and 2D material; metal evaporator (Balzers) for electrical contacts, (metals currently being used include Au, Ag, Al, In) with monitored and controlled thickness by quartz microbalance; high vacuum chamber with high temperature heater for electrical measurements under controlled gas environment.
Responsibles: Giuseppe Valerio Bianco
- Chemical etching.
- Chemical cleaning of semiconductors wafers.
- Surface functionalizations (thiols, silazanes,amines, amides, siloxanes,etc..).
- Deposition of nanoparticles from colloidal solutions.
- Drop casting of organic films.
- Self-assembled layers of biomolecules, proteins, DNA.
- Solvent cup drain.
- Ultrasonic bath.
- Temperature controlled hotplates.
- Dual process timers.
- Controlled N2 atmosphere operation.
- Bruwer CEE200 High Precision Spin coater.
Responsibles: Eloisa Sardella, Antonella Milella
The perovskite Lab @ NANOTEC-Bari is focused on the processing of perovskite-based materials and devices for clean energy production. We explore innovative treatment and deposition techniques based on physical vapour techniques (plasma, sputtering, ALD), engineering of devices combining the photovoltaic and photocatalytic moieties, synthesis of exceptionally stable perovskite-based materials for photocatalytic application.
The lab, with full access at the University of Bari facilities, is equipped with a Jacomex nitrogen filled glove-box, a thermal evaporator Kurt J. Lesker, a spin-coater Laurell technologies, a solar simulator Abet Technologies and a keithley 4200-scs semiconductor characterization system.
Responsibles: Silvia Colella