Replica Symmetry Breaking theory for complex disordered systems: from spin-glasses to random lasers
26/11/2021 - 14:15
Relatore: Luca Leuzzi, Università Sapienza and CNR-NANOTEC, Italy
Luogo: Zoom meeting



The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 (Part I)

Zoom meeting Link 

After a very concise account of the many motivations for this year Nobel prize in physics for “FOR GROUNDBREAKING CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR UNDERSTANDING OF COMPLEX PHYSICAL SYSTEMS” to Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi, we will focus on the theory for complex disordered systems known as Replica Symmetry Breaking (RSB) theory. This is the approach that allows to understand and predict the behaviors of systems displaying a phase characterized by infinitely many states. Not just two, as in a magnet, but an infinite number. We will make a short historical survey on the theory of spin-glasses, beginning with Edwards and Anderson in 1975 and having a fundamental breakthrough with Parisi in 1979, trying to show how new concepts and mathematical tools were introduced. We will show how, apart from spin-glasses, different complex phenomena can be described by different kinds of RSB. We will eventually dedicate the final part of the talk to the quest for the experimental demonstration of the theory, that we formalized and performed in the framework of random lasers (2015). The measure of the Parisi order parameter is a complicated problem because large disordered systems take a very long time to thermalize and because microscopic spin configurations have to be measured to evaluate overlap values. We tackle the problem in which the role of spins is played by light modes, established and coupled in an optically random medium because of multiple light scattering. In presence of external power pumping this model reproduces the behavior of a particular kind of so-called random lasers. We termed them glassy random lasers. The statistical mechanical theory of the stationary lasing regime, a theory of multimode light amplification in random media, is nothing else than a spin-glass theory, displaying a variety of RSB regimes as the pumping increases.


[1] Edwards SF, Anderson PW. 1975. Theory of spin glasses. J. Physics F: Metal Physics, 5, 965.
[2] Sherrington, D. and Kirkpatrick, S. 1975. Solvable Model of a Spin-Glass. Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1792.
[3] Parisi G. 1979. Infinite number of order parameters for spin-glasses Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1754.
[4] Parisi G. 1983. Order parameter for spin-glasses. Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1946.
[5] Mézard M, Parisi G, Virasoro M. 1987. Spin glass theory and beyond: An Introduction to the Replica Method and Its Applications. World Scientific, Singapore.
[6] Antenucci, F., Crisanti, A. & Leuzzi, L. 2015. The glassy random laser: replica symmetry breaking in the intensity fluctuations of emission spectra. Sci. Rep. 5, 16792.
[7] Ghofraniha N, Viola I, Di Maria F, Barbarella G, Gigli G, Leuzzi L, Conti C. 2015. Experimental evidence of replica symmetry breaking in random lasers. Nat. Commun. 6, 6058.
[8] Gradenigo, G., Antenucci, F. and Leuzzi, L. 2020. Glassiness and lack of equipartition in random lasers: The common roots of ergodicity breaking in disordered and nonlinear systems. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023399.
[9] Antenucci, Lerario, Silva Fernandéz, De Marco, De Giorgi, Ballarini, Sanvitto, and Leuzzi, 2020. Demonstration of Self-Starting Nonlinear Mode Locking in Random Lasers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 173901.


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