news & Events
Bacteria as light driven propellers for hybrid 3D printed micro-machines
Genetically modified bacteria, expressing the protein proteorhodhopsin, can be used as tiny propellers in micromachines that are invisible to the human eye and whose speed can be reliably and continuously tuned by shining green light of controlled intensity. A study...
Superfluidità a temperatura ambiente
La luce, in certe condizioni, può trasformarsi in un superfluido e scorrere intorno ad un difetto senza attrito, richiudendosi su se stessa senza increspature. Lo ha dimostrato il CNR NANOTEC in un recente studio pubblicato sulla rivista Nature Physics.
Zeiss Microscopy Technology and Complete Correlative Workflow
Zeiss Microscopy Technology and Complete Correlative Workflow Lecce, Italy, 2017 Wednesday July 19th CNR NANOTEC @ Lecce, Aula Seminari – pal. G, Piano Terra Zeiss, as microscopy technology leader, provides the unique complete imaging solution ranging from light,...
61st Course of the International School of Quantum Electronics Hypersonic Meteoroid Entry Physics (HyMEP) that will be held at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Sicily (Italy) on October 3-8, 2017. A detailed information is available at the Course website...
MCS 2017
International Workshop on Micropropulsion and CubeSats Bari, Italy, 26 – 27 June 2017 Il workshop riunisce per la prima volta la comunità scientifica nel campo dei materiali e delle micropropulsioni al fine di fare il punto sullo stato dell’arte e valutare gli...
Workshop annuale d’Istituto – II ed.
Workshop annuale d’Istituto – II ed. Cetraro (CS), 3 -5 maggio 2017 La tre giorni dedicata ai risultati di ricerca conseguiti e alle strategie scientifiche da intraprendere nel prossimo futuro.
Plasmonica 2017
PLASMONICA 2017 will be held on July 5-7, 2017 in the historical and beautiful city of Lecce, Italy. The conference will bring together international scientists to present and discuss their latest research in plasmonics. As per tradition for each Plasmonica event,...
Nanotechnology day
Nanotechnology day Lecce, 11 aprile 2017 CNR NANOTEC c/o Campus Ecotekne Torna con un calendario denso di appuntamenti, tra seminari, mostre, dimostrazioni sperimentali, visite ai laboratori il tradizionale appuntamento con la “Settimana della cultura scientifica”,...
SOPHOS® International School on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics and MAPHEBIO School on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Electronics and Biolectronics 3rd – 7th September 2017, Arbatax (Sardinia – Italy) The school is focused on recent advances in (a) science and...