news & Events
Caffè enigma… la nanotecnologia che non t’aspetti
“CaffèEnigma” è il thriller tecnologico edito da La Rambla che reca la firma di Vito Marangelli, cardiologo ed esperto di scrittura creativa. Abile nel mescolare fantasia e interesse scientifico, curiosità e passione per la ricerca, con particolare riguardo in campo...
Hybrid nanophotonics: when plasmonics met dielectrics
Relatore: Dmitry Zuev, Faculty of Physics , ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Luogo: Online Seminar Abstract Unification of different materials in a single nanophotonic system expands the frontiers of its functionalities providing wide field for optical...
Ultrafast nanophotonics: from all-optical control of exciton dynamics towards plasmon-tailored nano-chemistry and information processing based on cavity-electrodynamics
Relatore: Nicolo' Maccaferri, Department of Physics, Umeå University, Sweden, & Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourga Luogo: CNR NANOTEC, Aula Rita Levi Montalcini Abstract Ultrafast control of light-matter...
Plasmonic Nanopores for Single-Molecule Detection and Manipulation: Toward Sequencing Applications
Relatore: Denis Garoli, IIT, CCT@Morego Genova Luogo: CNR NANOTEC, Aula Rita Levi Montalcini Abstract Solid-state nanopore-based sensors are promising platforms for next-generation sequencing technologies, featuring label-free single-molecule sensitivity, rapid...
High-octaneous Fuel Compositions based on Petroleum and Biocomponents
Relatore: Valentyna Tkachuk, Lusk National Technical University, Ukraine Luogo: Online Seminar Abstract Environmental friendliness of fuels used in automobile internal combustion engines is a global problem of humanity, which is given considerable attention by...
Misurare il pH intracellulare, in modo automatico e veloce
Un recente studio coordinato da Loretta L. del Mercato, primo ricercatore dell’Istituto di nanotecnologia del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Cnr Nanotec) di Lecce, condotto in collaborazione con Cecilia Bucci e Adriano Barra, docenti dell’Università del Salento,...
Cathodoluminescence of nano-scale photonic systems
Relatore: Christian Wolff, Center for Nano Optics at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense Luogo: LIVE in "AULA SEMINARI" at NANOTEC Lecce Abstract Cathodoluminescence is the light emitted when the beam of an electron miscroscope hits a target. This can be...
Cooperative Emission and Structural Coherence in Self-Assembled Perovskite Nanocrystals
Relatore: Dmitry Baranov, Nanochemistry Department, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy Luogo: Online Seminar Abstract Colloidal metal halide nanocrystals took materials science by storm since their emergence several years ago. Exemplified by cesium...
Non-quantum wave-particle duality
Relatore: Matthieu LABOUSSE, (CNRS - Gulliver, ESPCI Paris, Université PSL) Luogo: Online Seminar Abstract Walking drops are one of the rare examples of non-quantum wave- particle duality. A series of striking experiments with one walking drop has lead to...